How does one create a TestActorRef inside a test class. Specifically, I have the following test set up...
class MatchingEngineSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("Securities-Exchange"))
with FeatureSpecLike
with GivenWhenThen
with Matchers {
val google = Security("GOOG")
val ticker = Agent(Tick(google, None, None, None))
val marketRef = TestActorRef(new DoubleAuctionMarket(google, ticker) with BasicMatchingEngine)
val market = marketRef.underlyingActor
...when I run the tests everything passes, but after shutting down the ActorSystem I get this long error trace...
[ERROR] [03/10/2015 15:07:55.571] [] [akka://Securities-Exchange/user/$$b] Could not instantiate Actor
Make sure Actor is NOT defined inside a class/trait,
if so put it outside the class/trait, f.e. in a companion object,
OR try to change: 'actorOf(Props[MyActor]' to 'actorOf(Props(new MyActor)'. exception during creation
I came across this previous question, but the accepted answer didn't work for me in this case.
In case it is relevant, here is the definition of the DoubleAuctionMarket
class DoubleAuctionMarket(val security: Security, val ticker: Agent[Tick]) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
this: MatchingEngine =>