I have a simple html/jscript code here which allow users to enter a keyword and return result from sample csv data (simulated as var CSV in this code) to table format in HTML, now I wish to use the iframe where the CSV is embedded instead of referring my DB to this simulated CSV, how can I do that? This code is working fine but I need to refer my search database to iframe. Thank you in advance.
<title>CSV Database</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* Following is a SIMULATED CSV file only.*/
var CSV = 'APRIL,RED,HAPPY,TEACHER,092236015\n';
<body onload="MakeDB()">
Keyword: <input type="text" value="" id="ERP">
<input type="button" value="Search" onclick="CSVsearch(document.getElementById('ERP').value)">
<div id="tblDisplay"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var DB = new Array();
function MakeDB() { DB = CSV.split('\n'); }
function CSVsearch(dbInfo) {
var posn = -1;
for (i=0; i<DB.length; i++) {
tmp = DB[i];
if (tmp.indexOf(dbInfo) != -1) { posn = i; break; }
if (posn == -1) { alert('No matching result from the file'); }
else { document.getElementById('tblDisplay').innerHTML = displayAsTable(DB[posn]); }
function displayAsTable(info) {
var str = '<table border="1" width="35%">';
var ary = info.split(',');
str += '<tr><th>KEYWORD</th><th>INFO1</th><th>INFO2</th><th>INFO3</th><th>INFO4</th></tr>';
str += '<tr><td>'+ary.join('</td><td>')+'</td></tr>';
str += '</table>';
return str;
<iframe src="file:///C:/Users/april_ibanga/Desktop/data.txt" name="data" frameborder="1" scrolling="auto" width="700" height="300" align="bottom"></iframe>