I have a Kivy application.
From the main GUI, I want to open a new message box and force the main GUI to await the result of an action box interaction.
I saw that Qt4 message box has support for this blocking call type, but I haven't found the equivalent functionality in Kivy. Does such a feature exist?
The Popup widget is used to create modal popups. By default, the popup will cover the whole “parent” window. When you are creating a popup, you must at a minimum set a Popup.title and a Popup.content widget.
modal means blocking :)
Here is a code snippet which does the job though it is actually not really blocking.
You need to define one or two alternatives to jump to in order to continue working with
the program. Thats the pseudo-blocking trick.
import kivy
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.app import App
class MessageBoxApp(App):
def build(self):
return Button(text='Press for MessageBox!', on_press=self.callpopup)
def callpopup(self, event):
dlg = MessageBox(self, titleheader="Title Header", message="Any Message",
options={"YES": "printyes()", "NO": "printno()", "CANCEL": ""})
print "Messagebox shows as kivy popup and we wait for the user action"
def printyes(self):
# routine for going yes
print "You chose the Yes routine"
def printno(self):
# routine for going no
print "You chose the No routine"
class MessageBox(MessageBoxApp):
def __init__(self, parent, titleheader="Title", message="Message", options={"OK": ""}, size=(400, 400)):
def popup_callback(instance):
"callback for button press"
self.retvalue = instance.text
self.parent = parent
self.retvalue = None
self.titleheader = titleheader
self.message = message
self.options = options
self.size = size
box = GridLayout(orientation='vertical', cols=1)
box.add_widget(Label(text=self.message, font_size=16))
b_list = []
buttonbox = BoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
for b in self.options:
b_list.append(Button(text=b, size_hint=(1,.35), font_size=20))
self.popup = Popup(title=titleheader, content=box, size_hint=(None, None), size=self.size)
def OnClose(self, event):
if self.retvalue != None and self.options[self.retvalue] != "":
command = "self.parent."+self.options[self.retvalue]
exec command
if __name__ == '__main__':