I'm running into the following exception on my client workstation when trying to update the application:
Method not found: 'Void CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer.set_CachedPageNumberPerDoc(Int32)'.
at OpusRw.CrystalReports.CryRepView.InitializeComponent()
at OpusRw.CrystalReports.CryRepView..ctor() in
c:\cli_code\OPUSfin\OPUSfin\CrystalReports\CryRepView.cs:line 21
at OPUSfin.SubForms.PrintScreen.btInsertion_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in
c:\cli_code\OPUSfin\OPUSfin\SubForms\PrintScreen.cs:line 55
However when I debug the code locally I have no problem. (The updates did not even alter the code in question).
I initially assumed this was a .dll error and Have tried cleaning the solution, removing and re-adding the .dll's to no avail.
What other things can I try to resolve the issue ?