I have a pattern like
(any text) XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM (any text)
where X is a number between 0 and 9 and the number can 1 or two character (ex: 12:45 or 1:20)
I need to find a regex to find the - (dash character) in between that pattern.
I'm new but this was my simple RegEx to find the above pattern:
([\d]{1,2}:[\d]{1,2}|[\d]{1,2}:[\d]{1,2} [aApP][mM])(.*?)([\d]{1,2}:[\d]{1,2}|[\d]{1,2}:[\d]{1,2} [aApP][mM])
This doesn't get me my ultimate goal of just finding the dash in the middle of the pattern.
Positive look-behind will be the shortest/simplest regexp for this situation but it's not support everywhere so it will depend on what language/environment you are using.
Match only the -
following AM
(?<=AM )-
Depending on the likely-hood of false positives in your data this might need to be tighten up, such as HAM - CHEESE
will also match, so using positive look-behind and look-ahead:
(?<=:\d{2} AM )-(?= \d{1,2}:\d{2} PM)
?<= # Positive look-behind
: # Match colon
\d{2} # Followed by 2 digits (and a space)
AM # Followed by AM (and a space)
- # Match hyphen if look-behind is met
?= # Positive look-ahead
\d{1,2} # Match either 1 or 2 digits
: # Followed by a colon
\d # Followed by 2 more digits
PM # Finally a space and PM
That should rule out any false positives.
Demo with grep
$ echo '(any text) XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM (any text)' | grep -Po '(?<=AM )-'
$ echo '12:45 AM - 1:20 PM' | grep -Po '(?<=:\d{2} AM )-(?= \d{1,2}:\d{2} PM)'
Another option is using capture groups, the following regexp
will match the whole line and the -
will be matched in capture group 1:
This will find the dash:
This uses look arounds, so the whole regex matches just the connecting character
/\d\d:\d\d [ap]m (.) \d\d:\d\d [ap]m/i