I hope the heading describes my question right.
When I open /admin/liste, it should render two tables from MongoDB database.
How can I render two or more collections?
app.get('/admin/liste', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
var List1 = mongoose.model('List1');
// var List2 = mongoose.model('List2');
List1.find(function (err, docs) {
firstlist : docs
/*List2.find(function (err, docs) {
seclist : docs
EDIT: I can't find any information to my problem in the reference, that this question is dublicate. I'm not using any Joins or something like that.
I want to display two tables from the items which are in List1 and List2. The uncommented out code is working well, but this is only one table, so I have to combine those two, then render the page.
Hope anyone can help me, thank you.
You can do this by executing the second query within the callback of the first query so that both results are available for the res.render
app.get('/admin/liste', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
var List1 = mongoose.model('List1');
var List2 = mongoose.model('List2');
List1.find(function (err, docs1) {
List2.find(function (err, docs2) {
res.render('admin/liste', {
firstlist : docs1
seclist : docs2
Thank you for your answer. Meanwhile I found another solution for my problem:
app.get('/admin/liste', isLoggedIn, function(req, res) {
var List1 = mongoose.model('List1');
var List2 = mongoose.model('List2');
var List1Objects = List1.find({});
var List2Objects = List2.find({});
var resources = {
firstlist: List1Objects.exec.bind(List1Objects),
seclist: List2Objects.exec.bind(List2Objects)
async.parallel(resources, function (error, results){
if (error) {
res.render('admin/liste', results);
I think we should first find items in List1 and store them in a variable. Then find items in List2 and render the ejs. Something like this:
exports.someFunction = async (req, res) => {
let List1 = mongoose.model('List1');
let List2 = mongoose.model('List2');
let itemsInList1 = await List1.find(); // store items in List1 in variable
List2.find().then(itemsInList2 => {
res.render('admin/liste', {
firstlist : itemsInList1,
secondList: itemsInList2