I have a Java FX8 Table, I have populated it using an observable list. The table is displaying the populated data.
During user interaction a new row is created, I add this new data to the observable list. The table gets refreshed.
I know how to move focus as well as to scroll to this newly added row. However I want this row to be highlighted to show that it is newly added.
How do I get a reference to the whole row as a Node, so that I can use this node value to highlight the row.
Use a rowFactory
on the TableView
which creates a TableRow
. That TableRow
is the Node
representing the whole row. The slightly tricky part is identifying when the row represents a "recently added row".
I would approach this as follows. I'll use the usual contact table example
- Define an
to represent the recently added person. Most of the time this will be null
but when a new Person
is added to the list, it will be set to that new Person
final ObjectProperty<Person> recentlyAddedPerson = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
Register a ListListener
with the table's items list. When a new item is added to the list, update the recentlyAddedPerson
. Since you don't want the new person to be labeled as "new" indefinitely, start a pause transition that will reset recentlyAddedPerson
to null
after some delay (a second or two).:
final Duration timeToGetOld = Duration.seconds(1.0);
table.getItems().addListener((Change<? extends Person> change) -> {
while (change.next()) {
if (change.wasAdded()) {
List<? extends Person> addedPeople = change.getAddedSubList();
Person lastAddedPerson = addedPeople.get(addedPeople.size()-1);
// set back to null after a short delay, unless changed since then:
PauseTransition agingTime = new PauseTransition(timeToGetOld);
agingTime.setOnFinished(event -> {
if (recentlyAddedPerson.get() == lastAddedPerson) {
Create a row factory for the table. This row factory returns a custom TableRow
. This custom TableRow
creates a BooleanBinding
which is set to true if this row represents a recently-added row. (This will be true if the row's item is not null and is equal to the recentlyAddedPerson
defined above.)
To actually implement the highlighting, I would just use a CSS PseudoClass. The implementation of the highlighting then becomes trivial; just set the pseudoclass state to the value in the BooleanBinding
defined in the TableRow
So you'll need something like:
final PseudoClass newPersonPseudoClass = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("new");
and the rowFactory
looks like
table.setRowFactory(tableView -> new TableRow<Person>() {
// Bindings API uses weak listeners, so this needs to be a field to
// make sure it stays in scope as long as the TableRow is in scope.
private final BooleanBinding itemIsNewPerson
= Bindings.isNotNull(itemProperty())
.and(Bindings.equal(itemProperty(), recentlyAddedPerson));
// anonymous constructor:
itemIsNewPerson.addListener((obs, wasNew, isNew)
-> pseudoClassStateChanged(newPersonPseudoClass, isNew));
Finally, just add the following css to your stylesheet:
.table-row-cell:new {
-fx-background-color: darkseagreen ;
I posted the complete example as a gist.