Access resx in application from Silverlight class

2019-06-09 08:19发布


Resource files in Silverlight can be accessed using the code below:

ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("MyLibraryNamespace.MyFolder.MyResources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

However in my application this piece of code is not in the application itself, but in a Silverlight class library and the app has reference to it; changing the namespace to the "MyAppNamespace" just generates error.

How can I reach the resources in the xap file from the Silverlight class library?


There is a nice video here:

The trick is to write a "proxy" class so that you can reference strings from XAML. From MSDN:

public class LocalizedStrings {
  public LocalizedStrings() { }
  private static sdkGlobalizationCS.AppResources localizedResources = new sdkGlobalizationCS.AppResources();
  public sdkGlobalizationCS.AppResources LocalizedResources { get { return localizedResources; } }

And in XAML (after adding the class in the static resources):

<ListBoxItem Content="{Binding Path=LocalizedResources.LangRegionNameFrFR, Source={StaticResource LocalizedStrings}}" />


This is good and I was able to do the same.

In my case I have the same library shared between applications so I extract dynamically the name of the assembly:

var ast = assembly.FullName;
char[] delimit = new char[] { ',' };
string[] parts = ast.Split(delimit);
var gResources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(parts[0]+"resource path here", assembly);


In order to achieve what I wanted I had to do the following:

var assembly = Application.Current.GetType().Assembly;

And after that I can create ResourceManager with the resources like this:

var rm = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(name, assembly);

where name is the path from my first post.