I have a trigger in a table which keeps all the changes (Insert, Update, Delete). When I insert only one row per time it works fine. But when I am trying to insert multiple rows at once I receive this error :
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the
subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as
an expression.
Here is the code of the trigger ( I removed some parts that are not needed to shorten the code like variable declarations etc.)
UPDATE: The actual error is in these lines when #tempTrigT contains more than one rows:
Select * into #tempTrigT from (select * from deleted where @Action in ( 'U','D')) A UNION (select * from inserted where @Action ='I')
set @sql = 'set @audit_oldvalue=(select cast([' +@Item +'] as NVARCHAR(4000)) from #tempTrigT)';
EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sql,N'@audit_oldvalue sql_variant OUTPUT',@audit_oldvalue OUTPUT -- If inserted @audit_oldvalue gets the new value
set @sql = 'set @audit_value=(select cast(i.[' +@Item +'] as NVARCHAR(4000)) from dbo.TForms i inner join #tempTrigT d on i.id = d.id)';
EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sql,N'@audit_value sql_variant OUTPUT',@audit_value OUTPUT
How I can change it to work for multiple rows as well?
You are missing a row identifier so that you are only handling one row per loop. Something like:
DECLARE @ID int = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM #tempTrigT)
to define a row at the start of your loop
WHERE id = @ID
to filter to this row throughout the loop
at the end of your loop, when that id
is done processing
Then again, that may not even work if the id
can repeat in #tempTrigT
And with all that said...
I would definitely consider separating this into multiple triggers and save yourself the complexity you are facing by trying to loop through deleted or inserted records and handle them all accordingly. I would also consider simplifying your audit process. The end goal is to be able to look back at what records used to be, which you can achieve really simply:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AuditTrailTForms] (TForms_Cols, ChangeDate, Change_User, Change_Type)
SELECT T.*, GETDATE(), COALESCE(ModifiedBy,suser_name()), 'Inserted'
FROM inserted i
JOIN TForms T on i.id = T.id
Then you can worry about making it easier to view which column values changed later on when you query these tables:
FROM (SELECT *, GETDATE(), 'Current', 'Current'
FROM AuditTrailTForms
--AND Change_Type =
--AND Change_User =
) T
Edit: Using an identity column:
You can use an identity column to define a row for each loop like so:
DECLARE @TotalRows int = (SELECT MAX(identityColumn) FROM #tempTrigT
DECLARE @RowID int = 1
WHILE @RowID <= @TotalRows
--Do stuff
--For Example
SET @sql = 'set @audit_oldvalue=(SELECT cast([' +@Item +'] as NVARCHAR(4000))
FROM #tempTrigT
WHERE T.IdentityColumn = @RowID)';
EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @sql,N'@audit_oldvalue sql_variant OUTPUT',@audit_oldvalue OUTPUT
--then increment to the next row when you're done
SET @RowID = @RowID + 1