best practices for transfering ruby gems collectio

2019-06-09 05:43发布


i want to copy all of my gems from one machine (foo) to another (bar). both machines are identical except that foo has a bunch of gems installed and bar does not (bar cannot get onto the internet).

i copied /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems from foo to bar, and now bar recognizes that the gems are installed.

root@bar # gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

keybox (1.2.1)
rake (
... and so on

if i try to run them from their native location, they work as expected

root@bar # cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/keybox-1.2.1/bin
root@bar # ./keybox --version
keybox: version 1.2.1

i would like to have all gems under a common bin dir, like they are on foo

root@bar # find /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/*/bin -type f | xargs -I baz ln -s baz /usr/local/bin/ 

as expected, this creates symbolic links from each gem's location to /usr/local/bin/

for some gems (like rake) everything works as expected, for others (like keybox) it does not work. for some gems, there's a difference between the script in the gem dir and the one that gets installed under /usr/local/bin.

root@foo # diff /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/keybox-1.2.1/bin/keybox /usr/local/bin/keybox 
< #!/usr/bin/env ruby
< ########################################################################
< # 
< ########################################################################
> #!/usr/local/bin/ruby18
> #
> # This file was generated by RubyGems.
> #
> # The application 'keybox' is installed as part of a gem, and
> # this file is here to facilitate running it.
> #
< #----------------------------------------------------------------------
< # bootstrap
< #----------------------------------------------------------------------
< begin
<     require 'keybox'
<     require 'keybox/application/password_safe'
< rescue LoadError 
<     path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","lib"))
<     raise if $:.include? path
<     $: << path
<     retry
< end
> require 'rubygems'
< #----------------------------------------------------------------------
< # instantiate the program and pass it the commandline parameters
< #----------------------------------------------------------------------
> version = ">= 0"
< keybox =
> if ARGV.first =~ /^_(.*)_$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then
>   version = $1
>   ARGV.shift
> end
> gem 'keybox', version
> load Gem.bin_path('keybox', 'keybox', version)

since i'm already copying gems from one machine to another i could just as easily copy the public scripts as well, but is there a more "gemish" way to do it? is there a gem command that will regenerate the public scripts as has apparently been done in the case of keybox?


If you installed the gems via ports, the following should work

  1. Make a list of all gems, like pkg_info | grep rubygem | cut -d ' ' -f 1
  2. Use 'pkg_create -Rnb' to create packages from locally installed ports (and necessary dependencies).
  3. Copy the packages to the target machine
  4. Install them there with pkg_add.


Try using the following command:

gem pristine --all

That will reinstall the gems from the cached source (which I believe you copied), and therefore should recreate script wrappers, recompile extensions, etc.

You can also check the documentation to adjust the command to suit your needs (there's a flag to just restore the executables, if that's all you want to do).