I have 2 questions
I am trying to learn scalacheck
Question 1)
Here is the test I am writing which is throwing the error. Can you please point to which page from docmentation i should read to understand reason behind this error.
case class Student(name:String, age:Int, mathsScore:Int, scienceScore:Int){
require(name != null ,"Name cannot be blank")
require(age > 3 ,"Age should be more than 3")
require(mathsScore >= 0 , "Score should not be negative")
require(scienceScore >= 0 ,"Score should not be negative")
val totalScore = mathsScore + scienceScore
Test is
object CaseStudySpecification extends Properties("Case Study Specification") {
property("nullName") = forAll { (name: String, age: Int, ms: Int, ss: Int) =>
if (name == null)
Prop.throws(classOf[IllegalArgumentException]) {
val x = Student(name, age, ms, ss)
Error is
No implicit view available from AnyVal => org.scalacheck.Prop.
[error] property("nullName") = forAll { (name: String, age: Int, ms: Int, ss: Int) =>
[error] ^
Question 2)
The official documentation gives one example test class as
property("stringLength") = Prop.forAll { s: String =>
val len = s.length
(s+s).length == len+len
I also read that it can be written as
val stringLength = Prop.forAll { s: String =>
val len = s.length
(s+s).length == len+len
How can i run the second form of test code , as when i run sbt test nothing happens for second version.
Both of the above snippets are in
object Ch3 extends Properties("String") {