With a fresh install of Eclipse 4.9.0 (2018-09), and m2e installed in Eclipse, I downloaded Optaplanner release 7.12.0, extracted the zip, and followed the first steps of the documentation instructions toward building the examples ("Open the file examples/sources/pom.xml as a new project, the maven integration will take care of the rest.") via: 1) File / Open Projects from File System... / Show other specialized import wizards / Maven / Existing Maven Projects 2) Selected the optaplanner-distribution-7.12.0.Final / examples / sources as the root directory (pom.xml for 7.12.0.final appeared as expected as a selectable project)
However, when selecting the pom and clicking Finish, an error occurs:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (execution: create-default-i18n-resource, phase: process-resources)
This appears to be related to the ancestor pom org.kie:kie-parent:7.12.0.Final.pom which has
<!-- Temporary workaround for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ERRAI-1101. Needs to stay here until
we find a general solution (e.g. moving all localized code to Errai TranslationService. -->
<copy todir="${project.build.directory}/classes"
includeemptydirs="false" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
<fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/classes"/>
<globmapper from="*Constants.properties" to="*Constants_default.properties"/>
However, I do not know how to resolve the error as "discover m2e connectors" reports "No marketplace entries".
My goal is to extend an example to create a reproduce-able example of an issue reported with Optaplanner. As this first step is an out of the box build of a recent release, I'm thinking it should work - what am I missing please?