I am trying to achieve ui-bootstrap's outsideClick trigger functionality. From ui-bootstrap:
The outsideClick trigger will cause the tooltip to toggle on click, and hide when anything else is clicked.
Plunker Demo of ui-bootstrap's outsideClick
<button uib-tooltip="I'm a tooltip!" type="button" class="btn btn-default" tooltip-trigger="'outsideClick'">
Click Me!
ng-bootstrap's triggers="click blur" gets close to achieving the functionality, where the tooltip toggles on click, and if the tooltip is open and anything else is clicked, it closes. But if the tooltip is closed by click, and then anything else is clicked, it opens (due to blur trigger).
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" ngbTooltip="I'm a tooltip!" triggers="click blur">
Click me!
Plunker demo of ng-bootstrap attempt w/ 'click blur'
ui-bootstrap also lists the triggers that can be used, but ng-bootstrap does not do that.