Scala regex multiline match with negative lookahea

2019-06-09 01:09发布


I'm writing a DSL using Scala's parser combinators. I have recently changed my base class from StandardTokenParsers to JavaTokenParsers to take advantage of the regex features I think I need for one last piece of the puzzle. (see Parsing a delimited multiline string using scala StandardTokenParser)

What I am trying to do is to extract a block of text delimited by some characters ({{ and }} in this example). This block of text can span multiple lines. What I have so far is:

  def docBlockRE = regex("""(?s)(?!}}).*""".r)
  def docBlock: Parser[DocString] =
      "{{" ~> docBlockRE <~ "}}" ^^ { case str => new DocString(str) }}

where DocString is a case class in my DSL. However, this doesn't work. It fails if I feed it the following:



I'm not sure why this fails. If I put a Deubg wrapper around have a debug wrapper around the parser ( I get the following:

docBlock.apply for token 
   at position 10.2 offset 165 returns [19.1] failure: `}}' expected but end of source found

If I try a single delimited block with multiple lines:


then it also fails to parse with:

docBlock.apply for token 
  at position 10.2 offset 165 returns [16.1] failure: `}}' expected but end of source found

If I remove the DOTALL directive (?s) then I can parse multiple single-line blocks (which doesn't really help me much).

Is there any way of combining multi-line regex with negative lookahead?

One other issue I have with this approach is that, no matter what I do, the closing delimiter must be on a separate line from the text. Otherwise I get the same kind of error message I see above. It is almost like the negative lookahead isn't really working as I expect it to.


In context:

scala> val rr = """(?s).*?(?=}})""".r
rr: scala.util.matching.Regex = (?s).*?(?=}})

scala> object X extends JavaTokenParsers {val r: Parser[String] = rr; val b: Parser[String] = "{{" ~>r<~"}}" ^^ { case s => s } }
defined object X

scala> X.parseAll(X.b, """{{ abc
     | def
     | }}""")
res15: X.ParseResult[String] =
[3.3] parsed: abc

More to show difference in greed:

scala> val rr = """(?s)(.*?)(?=}})""".r.unanchored
rr: scala.util.matching.UnanchoredRegex = (?s)(.*?)(?=}})

scala> def f(s: String) = s match { case rr(x) => x case _ => "(none)" }
f: (s: String)String

scala> f("something }} }}")
res3: String = "something "

scala> val rr = """(?s)(.*)(?=}})""".r.unanchored
rr: scala.util.matching.UnanchoredRegex = (?s)(.*)(?=}})

scala> def f(s: String) = s match { case rr(x) => x case _ => "(none)" }
f: (s: String)String

scala> f("something }} }}")
res4: String = "something }} "

The lookahead just means "make sure this follows me, but don't consume it."

Negative lookahead just means make sure it doesn't follow me.


To match {{the entire bracket}}, use this regex:


See the matches in the demo.

To match {{inside the brackets}}, use this:


See the matches in the demo.


  • (?s) activates DOTALL mode, allowing the dot to match across lines
  • The star quantifier in .*? is made "lazy" by the ? so that the dot only matches as much as necessary. Without the ?, the .* will grab the longest match, first matching the whole string then backtracking only as far as needed to allow the next token to match.
  • (?<=\{\{) is a lookbehind that asserts that what precedes is {{
  • (?=\}\}) is a lookahead that asserts that what follows is }}


  • Lookahead and Lookbehind Zero-Length Assertions
  • Mastering Lookahead and Lookbehind