My basic issue is: I have two computers A and B with Virtuoso installed and I am trying to query from one computer to the next. I created an RDF graph on machine A and executed a query on A to see the locally stored data.
sparql SELECT ?a ?b ?c
FROM <http://localhost:8890/test>
OPTION (get:soft "soft", get:method "GET")
WHERE {?a ?b ?c};
It returned the data correctly. I run the following query on machine B
sparql SELECT ?a ?b ?c
FROM <http://ipAddressOfA:8890/test>
OPTION (get:soft "soft", get:method "GET")
WHERE {?a ?b ?c};
I get a long pause and eventually get the following error
"Error HTCLI: [OpenLink][Virtuoso ODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]HC001: Connection Error in HTTP Client"
Do I have to set up permissions for the other computer or something? Excuse me I am new to this.