I was excited to learn that Apple added tracking of deletes in HealthKit in iOS 9. So I set up a test project to try it out. Unfortunately, while I can get new data just fine, I am not getting any deleted objects in my callbacks.
I have a functioning HKAnchoredObjectQuery that tracks HKQueryAnchor and gives me new HKSamples whenever I add a BloodGlucose quantity into HealthKit via the Health app. However when I delete that same quantity and re-run the app the HKDeletedObject is always empty. Even I do an add and a delete at the same time. It seems no matter what I do, the HKDeletedObject array is always empty. But additions work fine (only getting the added samples since the last anchor).
Here is my code. It is just 2 files. To recreate the project just make a new swift project, give yourself the HealthKit Entitlement, and copy these in. (Note: When you run it, you only get one update for each run so if you make changes in HealthKit you have to stop and restart the app to test the callbacks.)
This is my HealthKit client:
// HKClient.swift
// HKTest
import UIKit
import HealthKit
class HKClient : NSObject {
var isSharingEnabled: Bool = false
let healthKitStore:HKHealthStore? = HKHealthStore()
let glucoseType : HKObjectType = HKObjectType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierBloodGlucose)!
override init(){
func requestGlucosePermissions(authorizationCompleted: (success: Bool, error: NSError?)->Void) {
let dataTypesToRead : Set<HKObjectType> = [ glucoseType ]
// let error = NSError(domain: "com.test.healthkit", code: 2, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Healthkit is not available on this device"])
self.isSharingEnabled = false
self.healthKitStore?.requestAuthorizationToShareTypes(nil, readTypes: dataTypesToRead){(success, error) -> Void in
self.isSharingEnabled = true
authorizationCompleted(success: success, error: error)
func getGlucoseSinceAnchor(anchor:HKQueryAnchor?, maxResults:uint, callback: ((source: HKClient, added: [String]?, deleted: [String]?, newAnchor: HKQueryAnchor?, error: NSError?)->Void)!){
let queryEndDate = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceNow: NSTimeInterval(60.0 * 60.0 * 24))
let queryStartDate = NSDate.distantPast()
let sampleType: HKSampleType = glucoseType as! HKSampleType
let predicate: NSPredicate = HKAnchoredObjectQuery.predicateForSamplesWithStartDate(queryStartDate, endDate: queryEndDate, options: HKQueryOptions.None)
var hkAnchor: HKQueryAnchor;
if(anchor != nil){
hkAnchor = anchor!
} else {
hkAnchor = HKQueryAnchor(fromValue: Int(HKAnchoredObjectQueryNoAnchor))
let onAnchorQueryResults : ((HKAnchoredObjectQuery, [HKSample]?, [HKDeletedObject]?, HKQueryAnchor?, NSError?) -> Void)! = {
(query:HKAnchoredObjectQuery, addedObjects:[HKSample]?, deletedObjects:[HKDeletedObject]?, newAnchor:HKQueryAnchor?, nsError:NSError?) -> Void in
var added = [String]()
var deleted = [String]()
if (addedObjects?.count > 0){
for obj in addedObjects! {
let quant = obj as? HKQuantitySample
if(quant?.UUID.UUIDString != nil){
let val = Double( (quant?.quantity.doubleValueForUnit(HKUnit(fromString: "mg/dL")))! )
let msg : String = (quant?.UUID.UUIDString)! + " " + String(val)
if (deletedObjects?.count > 0){
for del in deletedObjects! {
let value : String = del.UUID.UUIDString
if(callback != nil){
callback(source:self, added: added, deleted: deleted, newAnchor: newAnchor, error: nsError)
let anchoredQuery = HKAnchoredObjectQuery(type: sampleType, predicate: predicate, anchor: hkAnchor, limit: Int(maxResults), resultsHandler: onAnchorQueryResults)
let AnchorKey = "HKClientAnchorKey"
func getAnchor() -> HKQueryAnchor? {
let encoded = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dataForKey(AnchorKey)
if(encoded == nil){
return nil
let anchor = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(encoded!) as? HKQueryAnchor
return anchor
func saveAnchor(anchor : HKQueryAnchor) {
let encoded = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(anchor)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setValue(encoded, forKey: AnchorKey)
This is my View:
// ViewController.swift
// HKTest
import UIKit
import HealthKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let debugLabel = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 10,y: 20,width: 350,height: 600))
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view = UIView();
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
debugLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
debugLabel.textColor = UIColor.blackColor()
debugLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.ByWordWrapping
debugLabel.numberOfLines = 0
let hk = HKClient()
(success, error) -> Void in
let anchor = hk.getAnchor()
hk.getGlucoseSinceAnchor(anchor, maxResults: 0)
{ (source, added, deleted, newAnchor, error) -> Void in
var msg : String = String()
if(deleted?.count > 0){
msg += "Deleted: \n" + (deleted?[0])!
for s in deleted!{
msg += s + "\n"
if (added?.count > 0) {
msg += "Added: "
for s in added!{
msg += s + "\n"
if(error != nil) {
msg = "Error = " + (error?.description)!
msg = "No changes"
if(newAnchor != nil && newAnchor != anchor){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
self.debugLabel.text = msg
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
Note: I know Apple recommends to set this up using an HKObserverQuery. I originally did it that way in a Xamarin project and the behavior was the same (no HKDeletedObjects were getting sent). So when trying it out with swift I left out the HKObserverQuery for simplicity.