How can you determine whether a double is an integ

2019-06-08 20:07发布


Is there anyway in Swift 3 to determine whether a double value has decimal places or not? In my program, I only want to perform a calculation to this double if it is an integer value. How can I check to see if there's non-zero numbers after the decimal point?

For example:

let double dx = 1.0 // This would return true
let double dy = 1.5 // This would return false

Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks,



extension Double {
    var isInt: Bool {
        let intValue = Int(self)
        return  Double(intValue) == self

**Not working when value out of Int range.


Double values will almost never be truly whole, they'll just be "close enough" according to some wholenessThreshold. You can set this to your needs, and use it like so:

let dx = 1.0
let dy = 1.5

extension Double {
    private static let wholenessThreshold = 0.01

    var isWhole: Bool {
        return abs(self - self.rounded()) < Double.wholenessThreshold

print(dx.isWhole) // true
print(dy.isWhole) // false


If the floor value of double equal to that double then it considered as Int otherwise it is Double.

let dx: Double = 1.0
let dy: Double = 1.5
let isInteger = floor(dx) == dx // return true
let isInteger = floor(dy) == dy // return false