I try to pass a variable based on a cookie value in my compose function to all my view to build my menu, with the use of serviceproviders recommmended here:
File: Providers/ViewComposerServiceProvicer.php
public function boot(Request $request) { $this->composeTopBar($request);}
public function composeTopBar(Request $request)
$cookieValue = $request->cookie('brand');
// if value not set use default value.
if($cookieValue == null)
$cookieValue = 1;
$brands = \App\Brand::orderBy('priority', 'asc')->get();
foreach($brands as $brand){
if($brand->id == $cookieValue){
$brand->menuActive = true;
// show value to debug
$brand->menuActive = $cookieValue;
view()->composer('front.layouts.top', function ($view) use ($brands) {
$view->with('brandItems',$brands );
the cookieValue looks like
While the value in my controller looks like '2
' How can i get the original value 2
in my compose function?
I need to get the original value to compare it in my composeTopBar function so I can pass a variable to be true if it equals the cookie value.
Method to set cookie
$response = response()-> view('front.products.category', compact('products','category'));
return $response;