I am working on a quiz game,it started as an iphone app,now it is fully working and i want to make it an universal app,but i can't find a way to set the font size to one value for all iphones and another for the ipad
I tried with the auto shrink menu in the interface builder,but it works only for labels,and if i do the same via code for uibutton the code doesn't work,this is the code i wrote inside viewdidload
ans2b.titleLabel?.numberOfLines = 1
ans2b.titleLabel?.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
ans2b.titleLabel?.minimumScaleFactor = 2
For the label i used interface builder and it works but the labels changes the font size every time the text inside it changes
How can i put a value for the font size for all iphones and a value for all ipads?Can i do it with interface builder or via code? Maybe can i put a value in interface builder and some condition in viewdidload to change the size if the device is an ipad