I have a Java application and a build file which, among its tasks, has one task to create a jar file from the application and one to run the application
<!-- ===== Create An Executable Jar target ======-->
<target name="jar-task" depends="compile-task">
<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}"/>
<jar destfile="jar/Guix.jar" basedir="${gui_bin.dir}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="img/**/" />
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="sys.deep.cepu.Start"/>
<filelist dir="${basedir}" files="user.properties"/>
============ Run target ===================
<target name="run-task" depends="jar-task">
<java classpath="${basedir};jar/Guix.jar;CK-DASP-2.0.0.jar;library/*;user.properties;img/* " classname="sys.deep.cepu.Start" fork="true">
The build file runs perfectly, the jar is created and the application runs. I would like to allow the user to start the application by clicking on a single file (jar or batch file). I tried to click on the generated executable jar file but nothing happens. Is it normal? Can someone give me an help on how to execute the program from this jar or from a batch file? Thanks!