if __name__ == '__main__' python

2019-06-08 15:39发布


I have go through so many articles regarding this

if __name__ == '__main__'

but didn't get it.. I am going to share you code please could you explain it more briefly..

I have created one file "ab.py"

def a():
    print('A function in ab file');


the second file is "xy.py"

import ab

def b():
    print('b function')

def x(): print ('s');


if __name__ == "__main__" :b()

When i execute this code then this output is coming

A function in ab file
b function

Now I want to know what does this mean, What is actually doing this code, Why we implement this? Our code is work without it also

if __name__ == "__main__" :b()


You should get in the habit of using this almost always.

Anything that comes after if __name__ == '__main__': will be run when you explicitly run your file.

python myfile.py

However, if you import myfile.py elsewhere:

import myfile

Nothing under if __name__ == '__main__': will be called.


What is actually doing this code?

When you execute xy.py, you import ab. The import statement runs the module on import, so ab's operations get executed before the remainder of xy's. Once finished with ab, it continues with xy.

The interpreter keeps track of which scripts are running with __name__. When you run a script - no matter what you've named it - the interpreter calls it "__main__". That's how it keeps track of which script is the master file, the script that gets returned to after an external call to another script. (The 'home' script, you might say.) Any other script that's called from this 'main' script is assigned its filename as its __name__. Hence, the line if __name__ == "__main__" : is the interpreter's test to determine if it's running on the script it's looking at (parsing), or if it's temporarily peeking into another script. This gives the programmer flexibility to have the script behave differently if it's called externally.

To understand what's happening, focus first on the unindented lines and the order they appear in the scripts. Remember that function - or def - blocks don't do anything by themselves until they're called. What the interpreter might think if mumbled to itself:

  • Open xy.py.
  • Import and open file with the __name__ ab.py.
  • Oh, a function. I'll remember that.
  • Ok, function a(); I just learned that. I guess I'll print now.
  • End of file; back to '__main__'!
  • Oh, a function. I'll remember that.
  • Another one.
  • Function x(); ok, printing 's'.
  • What's this? An if statement. Well, the condition has been met (the variable __name__ has been set to '__main__'), so I'll print 'b function'.

However I don't think you're using it properly. There are probably exceptions, but the bottom two lines should be:

if __name__ == "__main__":

... which means "If this is the 'main' or home script, execute the function called main(). That's why you'll see a def main(): block up top, which contains the main flow of the script's functionality.

Why we implement this?

(Wow, I actually figured this part out while writing the above. This is the part I really struggled to understand, too, because I've never myself written a script with functions that I've called from other scripts.)

Remember what I said earlier about import statements? When you import a module it doesn't just 'recognize' it and wait for further instructions. It actually runs all the executable operations contained within the script. So, putting the meat of your script into the main() function effectively quarantines it, putting it in isolation so that it can't immediately run when imported by another script.

Again, there will be exceptions, but common practice is that main() doesn't usually get called externally. So you may be wondering one more thing: if we're not calling main(), why are we calling the script at all? It's because many people structure their scripts with standalone functions that are built to be run by themselves. They're then later called somewhere else in the body of the script. Which brings me to this:

Our code is work without it also

Yes, you're right. These separate functions can be called from an in-line script that's not contained inside a main() function. If you're accustomed (as I am, in my early learning stages of programming) to building in-line scripts that do exactly what you need, and you'll try to figure it out again if you ever need that operation again - well, you're not used to this kind of internal structure to your code, because it's more complicated to build, and it's not as intuitive to read. But that's a script that probably can't have its functions called externally, because if did it would start calculating and assigning variables. And chances are if you're trying to re-use a function, your new script is related closely enough to the old one that there could be conflicting variables.

I should say as an aside, this thread contains an answer by @kindall that finally helped me to understand - the Why, not the How. Unfortunately it's been marked as a duplicate of this one, which I think is a mistake. (I'm new to this board so can't flag it yet; if you agree with me, please flag it for further mod attention.)


A really simple example to understand this statement is the following:

Assume that we have the following python script named: 'using_name.py' :

# Filename: using_name.py

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'This program is being run by itself'
    print 'I am being imported from another module'

Now, try to do the following 2 things and see what happens:

1) Run directly the script

$ python using_name.py


This program is being run by itself

2) Import the script

$ python
import using_name


I am being imported from another module


In simple words everything inside if __name__ == "__main__": is only run when the module is execute directly by python interpreter (ex: python module.py) OR if functions are called explicitly after importing.

EXAMPLE: testFile.py

#this will always be executed even if this module is simply imported by other file or this module is the entry point
print "I will always run in any situation. Even when this module is 'just' imported"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #this will be executed only when this module is the entry point eg. python testFile.py but not if this file is imported
    print "I will only run if this module (testFile.py) is executed directly by python interpreter"


import testFile

python testFile.py

Output: I will always run in any situation. Even when this module is 'just' imported

I will only run if this module (testFile.py) is executed directly by python interpreter

python app.py

Output: I will always run in any situation. Even when this module is 'just' imported

if you want to learn about the internals of __name__ variable: Check this What does if __name__ == "__main__": do?

标签: python-3.1