I'm using Vaadins Grid table for data representation.
Therefore I want to draw a thick line for the right border of the Employee
-ID-column and for both border sides of the name
or name
and surname
The result should look like this:
How I can manage that?
Continuing from where we left off in your other question regarding cell background, update your CellStyleGenerator
to handle your other columns. For the sake of brevity I'll just demo a column with both borders, but you'll get the idea:
grid.setCellStyleGenerator(new Grid.CellStyleGenerator() {
public String getStyle(Grid.CellReference cellReference) {
if ("c1".equals(cellReference.getPropertyId())) {
return "green";
} else if ("c2".equals(cellReference.getPropertyId())) {
return "right-and-left-border";
} else {
return null;
... add the appropriate styles in your theme file:
.v-grid-cell.right-and-left-border {
border-left: solid 2px black;
border-right: solid 2px black;
... and you should get something similar to:
You need to:
Add style name to your grid component:
Grid grid = new Grid();
Then in your *.scss file you need to add css style for class .grid-column-separator
that add thick lines in your grid as explained here
Remember to compile Vaadin theme before deploying your app to see desired effect.