
Send/Receive image or XML file via KSOAP

2019-06-08 14:53发布


it may sounds stupid but i would like to know whether is it possible send and receive. maybe image/XML file vai kSOAP?


I have been able to transmit WebRowSet XML documents using kSOAP2.


In this example I am sending an XML document from the web service to my Android based client. I hope this helps bro.


It is possible to send image via ksoap by following steps:

  • convert the Image into byte[]
  • add byte[] of the image as property
  • register SoapSerializationEnvelope with MarshalBase64() like this : new MarshalBase64().register(envelope);
  • call your web service which takes byte[] as parameter

Then receiving the message you can convert the receieved byte[] into image file.