This question already has an answer here:
How to get a CNContact phone number(s) as string in Swift?
8 answers
As the title suggests, in my iOS app using swift I've got a CNContactProperty object and I want to extract the phone number from it as a string.
The CNContact property is returned from the standard CNContactPickerViewController via the delegate protocol function, after the user has selected a contact from it.
When a contact has multiple phone numbers, I want to be able to extract the one that the user tapped on in the contact view from the CNContactProperty.
I'm trying to do something like this:
let myString = theCNContactProperty.value as! String
However, this crashes with an (lldb) error. I suspect that maybe the "value" property is not what I need?
I'm able to retrieve arbitrary numbers like so:
let myString =[0].value.stringValue
Which returns the first number a contact has. However, this doesn't serve my purpose as I want to be able to extract the specific number selected by the user when a contact has more than 1 number.
I've been working on this for hours and can't figure it out, I'd appreciate any help you can give me!
Edit: This is NOT a duplicate of the provided link. The linked question is about retrieving all numbers from a contact, NOT a specifically selected one. There is a HUGE difference in that.
So you said that you want to be able to get the phone number the user selected from the CNContactViewController
The CNContactViewController
has a delegate function that returns the key the user selected. This is the function:
optional func contactViewController(_ viewController: CNContactViewController,
shouldPerformDefaultActionFor property: CNContactProperty) -> Bool
In that function, you can get the selected phone number by doing this:
let myString = property.identifier
Also, if you return false in this function, the action wont take place which I think means it wont automatically call the number.
You can use this - although, if the contact has more than one phone number, this will only get the first one...
var thePhoneLabel: String?
var thePhoneNumber: String?
func contactPicker(picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelectContact contact: CNContact) {
picker.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {
if contact.phoneNumbers.count > 0 {
if let anEntry = contact.phoneNumbers.first {
if let theNumber = anEntry.value as? CNPhoneNumber {
// Get the label for the phone number (Home, Work, Mobile, etc)
self.thePhoneLabel = CNLabeledValue.localizedStringForLabel(anEntry.label)
// Get the actual phone number (as a string)
self.thePhoneNumber = theNumber.stringValue
} else {
// contact has no phone numbers
self.thePhoneLabel = "(No Phone)"
self.thePhoneNumber = "(No Phone)"
If using:
contactPickerViewController.displayedPropertyKeys = [CNContactPhoneNumbersKey]
var theContactName: String?
var thePhoneNumber: String?
var thePhoneLabel: String?
func contactPicker(picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelectContactProperty contactProperty: CNContactProperty) {
theContactName =
thePhoneNumber = contactProperty.value?.stringValue
if let lbl = contactProperty.label {
thePhoneLabel = CNLabeledValue.localizedStringForLabel(lbl)
func contactPicker(_ picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelect
contactProperty: CNContactProperty)
function will only be called if you do NOT have a
func contactPicker(_ picker: CNContactPickerViewController, didSelect
contact: CNContact)