
I want to add the docusign API with my web applica

2019-06-08 08:49发布


I want to add the docusign API with my application I create the docusign development account. I dont want to go mail to the signer. Its work automatically when my a user enter in my website and click to button go to docosign application. How i can do that. any one can help me?


Marco is right that you need to be careful about how you authenticate users who are coming into your application. The proof that the signature took place is only as strong as your authentication system. DocuSign has over 7 security options and the e-mail activation gives it more validity.

Having said all that you can absolutely embed DocuSign into your application. Here is a walkthrough on how you can embed DocuSign into your web application: https://www.docusign.com/developer-center/quick-start/embedded-signing


You cannot have a link in your application because this would reduce the value of the electronic signature: it would be more difficult to proof that the real signatory signed the document if the link was accessible not only to the recipient of the email.

DocuSign wants to be sure that their servers are the only one who manage the links for signatories.

There is no API to get the link.

标签: docusignapi