What i want to achieve is: after tapping a small view with some data i want to make it full screen and possibly make it to be a new vc.
For now I animate uiview to full screen with great success, but whole logic of this view is in it's "parent".
Is it possible to animate viewcontroller out of the uiview which is similar (for. eg. like in LayoutTransitions in Android SDK)?
Sample code of my uiview to full screen using autolayout:
sender.view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2
sender.view.frame = self.view.window.bounds;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[((CSTicketView*)sender.view) showMenu];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
[[self navigationController] setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:YES];