When an OpenLaszlo application is deployed using the SWF10/11 runtime, is it possible to completely disable the Flash Player context menu on desktop computers?
That's only possible starting with Flash Player 11.2. I have done a test run with a modified version of OpenLaszlo based on the flex4.6 branch, adding Flash 11.2+ support to the OpenLaszlo compiler. With the following LZX code I managed to remove the default Flash Player context menu completely:
<canvas width="100%" height="800" proxied="false">
<passthrough when="$as3">
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
<handler name="oninit">
if ($as3) {
var sprite = this.getDisplayObject();
sprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, doSomething);
<method name="doSomething" args="p">
At the moment I'm not willing to contribute any more code to OpenLaszlo, due to the fact that Laszlo and Critical Path have been disrespecting the community in the past 2 years. I might create a private branch of OpenLaszlo where I'll add new features and bug fixes, and maybe this can be turned into a version maintained by the community.
Therefore there is no way to use this example code with a released version or a nighly build of OpenLaszlo.