I was trying to write test cases for SpringBoot MVC rest application. I am able to run the test cases successfully. But when i tried to mock one of the methods, its not working. The test case still calls the original implementation.
Test class:-
@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = { Initializer.class,
WebConfig.class })
public class SampleControllerTest {
CounterUtil counterUtil;
PreProcessor preProcessor
private WebApplicationContext context;
private static boolean isSetup = false;
public void sampleTest() {
public void setUp() {
counterUtil = (CounterUtil) context
RestAssuredMockMvc.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).build();
The PreProcessor is a concreate class, with an instance of CounterUtil.
public class PreProcessor {
private CounterUtil counterUtil
public void myMethod(){
These are the dependencies in pom.xml.
<!-- test dependencies -->
Not getting any error. The execution works fine, but not considering the the mocked implementation.
Any suggestion or pointer is also welcomed.