Comment out and uncomment an xml element

2019-06-08 01:32发布


I have an xml file and I want to uncomment and comment out an element in the file.

    <blablabla href="docs/MyBlank.htm" />

This one I would like to "close" (comment out) like this:

    <blablabla href="docs/MyBlank.htm" />

Furter down in the file I have an element with the same name which is "closed" (commented out) like this:

    <blablabla href="secretwebhacking/MySecrectBankLogin.htm" />

and I want to "open" it up (uncomment) like:

     <blablabla href="secretwebhacking/MySecrectBankLogin.htm" />

I use ElementTree for this, I know how to edit the value and the attribute in the element, but I am not at all sure how to remove and add the <!-- --> around one specific element.


You could use BeautifulSoup to do the parsing. Basic example:

xmlbody = '<stuff>\
    <blablabla href="docs/MyBlank.htm" />\
    <blablabla href="secretwebhacking/MySecrectBankLogin.htm" />\

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment
soup = BeautifulSoup(xmlbody, "lxml")

# Find all comments
comments = soup.findAll(text=lambda text:isinstance(text, Comment))
for comment in comments:
  # Create new soup object from comment contents
  commentsoup = BeautifulSoup(comment, "lxml")
  # Find the tag we want
  blatag = commentsoup.find('blablabla')
  # Check if it is the one we need
    # If so, insert the element within the comment into the document
    # And remove the comment

# Find all my_elements
my_elements = soup.findAll('my_element')
for tag in my_elements:
  # Check if it's the one we want
  if(tag.find('blablabla')['href'] == "docs/MyBlank.htm"):
    # If so, insert a commented version
    tagcomment = soup.new_string(str(tag), Comment)
    # And remove the tag


That should start you off, you can make it as complex as you need. The output is this:

   <!--<my_element> <blablabla href="docs/MyBlank.htm"></blablabla></my_element>-->
    <blablabla href="secretwebhacking/MySecrectBankLogin.htm">