I am using the Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows version 1.6.0 (also tried 1.5.0) from here: https://github.com/Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows/releases
The Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows is included Git for Windows I am using (tried 2.9.3 and 2.9.2) https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases
I have the following problem:
If you activate the credential manager and e.g. pull a repository, you get asked for your login-credentials. The credentials get saved in the windows credential manager (of the control panel) and the user won't ever have to retype his credentials.
But if the user mistyped his credentials, or changes his password, the credential manager saves wrong credentials.
I have found the following at the help page of the git-credential-manager-for windows command:
Git Configuration Options:
validate Causes validation of credentials before supplying them
to Git. Invalid credentials get a refresh attempt
before failing. Incurs some minor overhead.
Defaults to TRUE. Ignored by Basic authority.
preserve Prevents the deletion of credentials even when they are
reported as invalid by Git. Can lead to lockout situations once credentials
expire and until those credentials are manually removed.
Defaults to FALSE.
I understand this as follows:
The credential-manager should validate the credentials (as this is true as default) and should not prevent the deletion if they are wrong (as this is false as default)
But the credentials do not get deleted, even if they are wrong!
I have already tried to set "validate" and "preserve" manually in th config file, without success...
I know I could always delete the credentials manually from the control panel, but this is not the solution my company prefers.
Best regards