I have created a form in my application as follows:
<form action="/search/" method="get">
<input id="search-box" name="search" type="text" size=30 title="Search" value="" />
<input id="search-submit" type="image" alt="Search" src="/images/search-button.gif" />
But when I am submitting my form then URL is created as below:
Can anyone please tell me why this x and y is coming in my URL. On more thing instead of image button if I am changing my form code as below then its working fine,
<form action="/search/" method="get">
<input id="search-box" name="search" type="text" size=30 title="Search" value="" />
<input id="search-submit" type="submit" value="Search"/>
but I need an image button to make my form look good. Please tell me how to remove these x and y parameteres from URL.
You'll always get mouse co-ordinates for a submit button type="image"
You can use a standard submit type button and just apply styles to it to change the look.
<input type="submit" id="search-submit" value=""
style="background-image: url(/images/search-button.gif); border: solid 0px #000000; width: WIDTHpx; height: HEIGHTpx;" />
They are the mouse coordinates of the click. I don't believe there's any way to prevent them - if you use an <input type='image'>
then you get them. Why is it a problem? Can't you just ignore them?
Answering Prashant's comment: Digg are adding an onclick
handler to the <input>
(or possibly an onsubmit
handler to the form) which builds the neat-looking search URL and redirects the browser to that URL, and then returns false
to prevent the <input>
from submitting the form itself. If you turn off JavaScript you'll see that you do get the x
and y
parameters in the URL. Clever!
document.getElementById("formid").submit = function() {
location = "/search/?search=" + encodeURIComponent( document.getElementById("search-box").value );
return false;
You can simply set a value, for an image button, this will override the regular coordinates behaviour. It worked for me.
For example :
<input type="image" value="submit" src="sup.png" name="supprimer" />
will return the php variable $_POST['supprimer']
and not its coordinate as image button.
Hope this trick will help you.