Catalog Search Magento - Not working https/ssl

2019-06-07 14:51发布


After updating my Magento site to https:// the catalog search function is no longer working.

I imagine this is because when submitting a search query the form is sending its request in http.

How can I ensure that the search form posts its information using HTTPS?


As I debug this issue in more detail. I have found that in catalogsearch/ template form post URL fetched from catalogsearch helper.


Below is the function definition:

public function getResultUrl($query = null)
    return $this->_getUrl('catalogsearch/result', array(
        '_query' => array(self::QUERY_VAR_NAME => $query),
        '_secure' => Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getRequest()->isSecure()

So it will work on both secure and unsecure page.

You have to check how Form submit URL fetched in your current theme catalogsearch/ template file.