ui grid, I am trying to apply custom styling to specific component(i want to change font size for that specific component), but when i write css code in that particular components css file, and after loading that component that style is getting applied to all the other components also
following is the code in css file
.k-grid td {
font-size: 10px !important;
.k-grid tr {
font-size: 10px;
code in ts file
selector: 'app-work-request-queue-child',
templateUrl: './work-request-queue-child.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./work-request-queue-child.component.css'],
previously style was not getting applied so after contacting telerik support the asked me to add encapsulation:ViewEncapsulation.None in ts file.so now the style is working fine but it is getting applied to all the components, not getting why it is happening.