I am building a wrapper around lm
to do some additional calculations. I'd like the wrapper to pass ...
to lm
, but I am getting into trouble with lm
's weights
LmWrapper <- function(df, fmla, ...) {
est <- lm(fmla, df, ...)
list(model = est)
If I call the wrapper with a weights argument,
LmWrapper(airquality, Ozone ~ Wind, weights = Temp)
R does not know where to look for the weights:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
The lm
help page says
All of
are evaluated in the same way as variables informula
, that is first indata
and then in the environment offormula
but the wrapper seems to change things.
How do I fix this?
The traceback()
for the above error looks like this:
8: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
7: eval(extras, data, env)
6: model.frame.default(formula = fmla, data = df, weights = ..1,
drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
5: stats::model.frame(formula = fmla, data = df, weights = ..1,
drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
3: eval(mf, parent.frame())
2: lm(fmla, df, ...) at #2
1: LmWrapper(diamonds, price ~ carat, weights = depth)
Calling lm
directly, works just fine:
lm(Ozone ~ Wind, airquality, weights = Temp)