I want to append a value to my INCLUDE environment variable. This should be easy.
For example typing
set PATH = "C:/new_entry;%PATH%
works, and can be verified by
echo %PATH%
But doing the same with INCLUDE does not change anything!
Furthermore, INCLUDE is not listed as an environment variable in System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables, so Visual Studio command prompt is picking it up from somewhere else.
I looked at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\varsvall.bat, but it is not helpful
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto x86
if not "%2" == "" goto usage
if /i %1 == x86 goto x86
if /i %1 == amd64 goto amd64
if /i %1 == x64 goto amd64
if /i %1 == arm goto arm
if /i %1 == x86_arm goto x86_arm
if /i %1 == x86_amd64 goto x86_amd64
if /i %1 == amd64_x86 goto amd64_x86
if /i %1 == amd64_arm goto amd64_arm
goto usage
if not exist "%~dp0bin\vcvars32.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\vcvars32.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\arm\vcvarsarm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\arm\vcvarsarm.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64_x86\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64_x86\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64_arm\vcvarsamd64_arm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64_arm\vcvarsamd64_arm.bat"
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
set VisualStudioVersion=12.0
goto :eof
echo Error in script usage. The correct usage is:
echo %0 [option]
echo where [option] is: x86 ^| amd64 ^| arm ^| x86_amd64 ^| x86_arm ^| amd64_x86 ^| amd64_arm
echo For example:
echo %0 x86_amd64
goto :eof
echo The specified configuration type is missing. The tools for the
echo configuration might not be installed.
goto :eof