I'm trying to include a template file views/infowindow.html
as the content of my InfoWindow from service I wrote to initiate the google maps api:
for ( var count = locations.length, i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
var latLng = locations[i],
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
(function( marker , latLng ){
return function(){
var content = '<div ng-include src="\'infowindow.html\'"></div>';
infowindow.setContent( content );
infowindow.open( Map , marker );
}//return fn()
})( marker , latLng )
However, it seems that Angular is not processing content
when it is inserted into the InfoWindow (when inspecting the code via Dev Tools, the code that gets inserted is <div ng-include src="'views/infowindow.html'"></div>
I was hoping Angular would pre-process my include before it was inserted into the InfoWindow, but alas no.
Is what I'm trying to do possible?
I'm thinking that I'll have to somehow cache the template before passing it to infowindow.setContent()
, but I don't know how to do that (or if that's even what I should be doing). I would prefer to load the template on the event instead of caching and injecting it for each marker.
EDIT Looking at $templateCache and a related SO question.
EDIT 2 Here's a plunk that tries to use $compile
(the content of InfoWindow is still <div id="infowindow_content" ng-include src="'infowindow.html'"></div>
The basis for this came from Mark's answer below. In his solution, the content for InfoWindow is compiled on first click (of any marker) but the InfoWindow does not actually open until another click on any Marker, probably because GoogleMaps is impatient.
Moving the $compile
outside and then passing the compiled template into .addListener
solves this problem:
for ( … ) {
infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
scope.markers …
var content = '<div id="infowindow_content" ng-include src="\'infowindow.html\'"></div>';
var compiled = $compile(content)(scope);
(function( marker , scope, compiled , localLatLng ){
return function(){
scope.latLng = localLatLng;//to make data available to template
scope.$apply();//must be inside write new values for each marker
infowindow.setContent( compiled[0].innerHTML );
infowindow.open( Map , marker );
};//return fn()
})( marker , scope, compiled , scope.markers[i].locations )
Updated Plunker.