I would like GCC to vectorize the below code.-fopt-info
tells me that GCC is not currently. I believe the problem is the strided access of W
or possible the backward incrementing of k
. Note that height
and width
are constants and index_type
is set to unsigned long
I removed some comments
114 for (index_type k=height-1;k+1>0;k--) {
116 for (index_type i=0;i<width;i++) {
117 Yp[k*width + i] = 0.0;
119 for (index_type j=0;j<width;j++) {
121 Yp[k*width + i] += W[k*width*width + j*width + i]*Yp[(k+1)*width + j];
122 }
123 Yp[k*width + i] *= DF(Ap[k*width + i]);
124 }
125 }
I am compiling with gcc -O3 -ffast-math -fopt-info -std=c11 ./neural.c -o neural -lm
Is there a good way to make this vectorize? Can you refer me to further information?
Is my method for indexing a bad idea (ie the k*width*width + ...
)? I need to dynamically allocate, and I thought that keeping things close in memory would better enable optimizations.
EDIT: This might be useful
The -fopt-info-missed
output for these lines
./neural.c:114:3: note: not vectorized: multiple nested loops.
./neural.c:114:3: note: bad loop form.
./neural.c:116:5: note: not vectorized: control flow in loop.
./neural.c:116:5: note: bad loop form.
./neural.c:119:7: note: step unknown.
./neural.c:119:7: note: reduction used in loop.
./neural.c:119:7: note: Unknown def-use cycle pattern.
./neural.c:119:7: note: not vectorized: complicated access pattern.
./neural.c:119:7: note: bad data access.
./neural.c:110:21: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
./neural.c:110:58: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
./neural.c:110:62: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
./neural.c:117:18: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
./neural.c:114:37: note: not vectorized: not enough data-refs in basic block.
Minimal example is HERE
I am trying it with BLAS. In the minimal example, it goes faster, but on the whole code it is slower ... not sure why
Compiler was optimizing out code. Fixed. BLAS is now faster. The fix was on the whole code, not the minimal example.
Same code as in the link from the previous edit
#include <math.h>
#include <cblas.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef float value_type;
typedef unsigned long index_type;
static value_type F(value_type v) {
return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-v));
static value_type DF(value_type v) {
const value_type Ev = exp(-v);
return Ev/((1.0 + Ev)*(1.0 + Ev));
#ifndef WITH_BLAS
static void get_Yp(const value_type * __restrict__ Ap, const value_type * __restrict__ W,
value_type * __restrict__ Yp, const value_type * __restrict__ Dp,
const index_type height, const index_type width) {
for (index_type i=0;i<width;i++) {
Yp[height*width + i] = 2*DF(Ap[height*width + i])*(Dp[i] - F(Ap[height*width + i]));
for (index_type k=height-1;k+1>0;k--) {
for (index_type i=0;i<width;i++) {
Yp[k*width + i] = 0.0;
for (index_type j=0;j<width;j++) {
Yp[k*width + i] += W[k*width*width + j*width + i]*Yp[(k+1)*width + j];
Yp[k*width + i] *= DF(Ap[k*width + i]);
static void get_Yp(const value_type * __restrict__ Ap, const value_type * __restrict__ W,
value_type * __restrict__ Yp, const value_type * __restrict__ Dp,
const index_type height, const index_type width) {
for (index_type i=0;i<width;i++) {
Yp[height*width + i] = 2*DF(Ap[height*width + i])*(Dp[i] - F(Ap[height*width + i]));
for (index_type k=height-1;k+1>0;k--) {
cblas_sgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, width, width, 1,
W+k*width*width, width, Yp+(k+1)*width, 1, 0, Yp+k*width, 1);
for (index_type i=0;i<width;i++)
Yp[k*width + i] *= DF(Ap[k*width + i]);
int main() {
const index_type height=10, width=10000;
value_type *Ap=malloc((height+1)*width*sizeof(value_type)),
get_Yp(Ap, W, Yp, Dp, height, width);
printf("Done %f\n", Yp[3]);
return 0;