I spent a good 20 min searching online for this, but couldn't find it. What I want is to to be able to copy a text string on click without a button. The text string will be inside a "span" class.
- User hovers over text string
- User clicks text string
- Text string is copied to clipboard
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can attach copy
event to <span>
element, use document.execCommand("copy")
within event handler, set event.clipboardData
to span
with .setData()
method of event.clipboardData
const span = document.querySelector("span");
span.onclick = function() {
span.addEventListener("copy", function(event) {
if (event.clipboardData) {
event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", span.textContent);
This is the Code pen.
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<p style="color:wheat;font-size:55px;text-align:center;">How to copy a TEXT to Clipboard on a Button-Click</p>
<p id="p1">This is TEXT 1</p>
<p id="p2">This is TEXT 2</p><br/>
<button onclick="copyToClipboard('#p1')">Copy TEXT 1</button>
<button onclick="copyToClipboard('#p2')">Copy TEXT 2</button>
<br/><br/><input class="textBox" type="text" id="" placeholder="Dont belive me?..TEST it here..;)" />
Jquery Code here
function copyToClipboard(element) {
var $temp = $("<input>");
Try this .document.execCommand('copy')
- click the element and copy the text and post with tmp input element
- Then copy the text from this input
function copy(that){
var inp =document.createElement('input');
inp.value =that.textContent
<p onclick="copy(this)">hello man</p>
<button type='button' id='btn'>Copy</button>
document.querySelect('#btn').addEventListener('click', function() {
copyToClipboard('copy this text');
JS / Function:
function copyToClipboard(text) {
var selected = false;
var el = document.createElement('textarea');
el.value = text;
el.setAttribute('readonly', '');
el.style.position = 'absolute';
el.style.left = '-9999px';
if (document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0) {
selected = document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0)
if (selected) {
Along with copying the text , you also have to make sure that any previously selected component remains selected after copying to clipboard.
Here's the full code :
const copyToClipboard = str => {
const el = document.createElement('textarea'); // Create a <textarea> element
el.value = str; // Set its value to the string that you want copied
el.setAttribute('readonly', ''); // Make it readonly to be tamper-proof
el.style.position = 'absolute';
el.style.left = '-9999px'; // Move outside the screen to make it invisible
document.body.appendChild(el); // Append the <textarea> element to the HTML document
const selected =
document.getSelection().rangeCount > 0 // Check if there is any content selected previously
? document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) // Store selection if found
: false; // Mark as false to know no selection existed before
el.select(); // Select the <textarea> content
document.execCommand('copy'); // Copy - only works as a result of a user action (e.g. click events)
document.body.removeChild(el); // Remove the <textarea> element
if (selected) { // If a selection existed before copying
document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Unselect everything on the HTML document
document.getSelection().addRange(selected); // Restore the original selection