I have a small Ember app, which, amongst other things, displays a number of connected users and, when hovering an element of the page, their names as a list.
All in all, it works quite well. The applications pulls data from a REST endpoint every two minutes, as the backend didn't allow for pushing data.
The contents of the tooltip are computed in the Controller, with a function that basically concatenate strings in various ways according to the context. Then it's bound to a data attribute of the <img>
the tooltip is created on. When the View is ready and didInsertElement
is fired, the tooltip is generated (if needs be) based on this data-bindattr
When new data is pulled from the backend, everything is updated accordingly, except the tooltip content. (When browsing the page's DOM, the data-bindattr
value is updated too.)
What could cause the tooltip to not refresh? Is it a case of JQuery-UI not calculating it again?
Some code
Refreshing code in the app's controller:
Monitor.ApplicationController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
itemController: 'process',
sortProperties: ['name'],
sortAscending: true,
intervalId: undefined,
startRefreshing: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.get('intervalId')) {
self.set( 'intervalId', setInterval(function() {'process');
}, 120000 ));
View: Process.hbs
<div {{bind-attr class=":inline inactive:inactive"}}>
<img {{bind-attr src=icon}} {{bind-attr data-caption=contentText}} class="caption" />
<div class="counter">{{nbUsers}}</div>
View: ProcessView
Monitor.ProcessView = Ember.View.extend({
// (...) Various stuff.
didInsertElement: function() {
updateTooltip: function() {
console.log('Inside updateTooltip!');
if (!this.$()) {return;}
if (this.get('controller').get('inactive')) {
this.$().tooltip({items: '.caption', disabled: true});
items: '.caption',
tooltipClass: 'tooltip',
content: function() {
return $(this).data('caption');
position: {
my: 'left+15px center',
at: 'right center',
collision: 'flip'
show: false,
hide: false
}.observes('controller.inactive', 'controller.contentText')
Controller: ProcessController
Monitor.ProcessController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
contentText: function() {
var tooltipContent = '';
this.get('containers').forEach(function(container) {
// Do a lot of things to tooltipContent involving:
// container.get('name')
// container.get('text')
// container.get('size')
// container.get('nbUsers')
// The data-bindattr value refreshes correctly so I cut this out for readability.
return tooltipContent;
}.property('name', 'containers.@each')
Edit 1:
Replaced 'containers.@each' by 'contentText' in the observer and added logging.