I am using kendo ui multiple select
i have this code
var data =
{ text: "Africa", value: "1" },
{ text: "Europe", value: "2" },
{ text: "Asia", value: "3" },
{ text: "North America", value: "4" },
{ text: "South America", value: "5" },
{ text: "Antarctica", value: "6" },
{ text: "Australia", value: "7" }
var multi = $("#select").kendoMultiSelect({
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataSource: data
now i can add the values using this
multi.value(["5", "3"]);
now i want to remove from the selected values
is there any way to remove the values using value
or text
for example if i want to remove 5
then is there any method like multi.remove(["5"]);
or any other way to remove it???
For removing element from a MultiSelect programmatically, you can use:
// Elements to be removed
var subtract = ["1", "5"];
// Get copy of current selected elements
var values = multi.value().slice();
// Remove elements from subtract
values = $.grep(values, function(a) {
return $.inArray(a, subtract) == -1;
// Clean filtering
// Set new values
Where subtract
are the elements to be removed (in this example "1" and "5").
TIP: For adding, you can use:
// Elements to add
var add = ["4", "5"];
// Get copy of current selected elements
var values = multi.value().slice();
// Merge withe elements to add
var merge = $.merge(values, add);
// Clean filtering
// Remove duplicates and set them back
Running example in here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/9WfGA/
This is already answered but this mught help someone. I had the same issue, wanted to remove values but didn't had the values to remove. This helped me out. It will remove all the selected values from dropdown
Add a css class to page
.hide-selected > li.k-state-selected {
display: none;
and add this code to pageload
var multiselect= $("#select").data("kendoMultiSelect");