I am trying to implement semantic versioning in our project. I tested maven semver plugin but that didn't help me so please don't ask me why. I finally ended up using maven groovy. It works like a charm, however, when I install or deploy the maven project the version in repository is the variable name.
This is despite the fact that all the artefacts and jar files are packaged with correct version.
So please look at my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
<script>git describe --abbrev=0 --tags</script>
def tagIt = 'git tag -a vXXXX -m "Auto tagged"'
def changeType = project.properties.ChangeType
def command = project.properties.script
def process = command.execute()
def describe = process.in.text.trim()
println "Setting revision to: " + describe
if(!describe.startsWith("v")) {
describe = "1.0.1"
} else {
describe = describe.substring(1)
project.properties.setProperty('revision', describe)
the version is ${revision} a variable name that is being set in groovy script. What groovy code does is getting the last tag from GIT and and then set it to the property 'revision'.
The final jar file has the correct version extracted but when installed into repository, the folder name and jar name are like:
I tried to default 'revision' to a value using:
but then groovy code setting the value has no effect.
I also tried different phase for the maven groovy plugin, no luck. Have I missed anything? Can anyone please help me on this?
I'd like to mention that as vatbub and StefanHeimberg mentioned I can use versions:set to set the version but this requires me to do an extra commit to GIT which I am trying to avoid, wondering if I can achieve this by writing a maven plugin instead?