I can't find a way (is there any ?) to format the style of tabs titles in a JTabbedPane.
I can change the background color of the tab panes (see below), but can't find a way to style the titles of the tabs; I would like to have them bold or red or be able to define the tabs width, for instance, like I could format the style of the labels in the first panel.
Here's the code, mostly inspired by tim_yates (Groovy SwingBuilder : using a scrollpanel to show a list of panels) :
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import javax.swing.WindowConstants as WC
import javax.swing.JOptionPane
import javax.swing.JTabbedPane
import javax.swing.JScrollPane
import javax.swing.BoxLayout as BXL
import java.awt.Font
Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 13)
int numPanels = 20
swing = new SwingBuilder()
frame = swing.frame(title:'test', pack:true, visible:true, defaultCloseOperation:WC.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) {
tabbedPane(id: 'tabs', tabLayoutPolicy:JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT) {
panel(name: 'Tab 1', background:java.awt.Color.WHITE ) {
boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS)
panel(alignmentX: 0f, background:java.awt.Color.WHITE){
label ( 'Label 1', preferredSize: [104, 24]).setFont(font)
label ( 'Label 2', preferredSize: [104, 24]).setFont(font)
label ( 'Label 3', preferredSize: [104, 24]).setFont(font)
scrollPane( verticalScrollBarPolicy:JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) {
vbox (){
(1..numPanels).each { num ->
def panelID = "panel$num"
def pane = panel( alignmentX:0f, id:panelID, background:java.awt.Color.GREEN ) {
textField( id: "description$num", text:panelID, columns: 70 )
button( id: "buttonpanel$num", text:panelID, actionPerformed:{
swing."$panelID".background = java.awt.Color.RED
} )
panel(name: 'Tab 2', background:java.awt.Color.WHITE) {
textField(text: 'Some text', columns: 15)
scrollPane() {
textArea(text: 'Some text', columns: 15, rows: 4)
boxLayout(axis: BXL.Y_AXIS)
panel(id:'secondPanel', background:java.awt.Color.WHITE){
button('Quit', actionPerformed:{
frame.size = [ frame.width, 600 ]
I found these links which look very difficult (to me) to implement in Groovy :
JTabbedPane: icon on left side of tabs
How to make JTabbedPane autoresize to fit page dimensions?
Controlling Color in Java Tabbed Pane
Also the Java docs do not explain how to do that, and I didn't find any example using styled tabs.
Thanks for your help.
PS : Ant's offered a link
Groovy SwingBuilder : changing size and/or font of tabs (in jTabbedpane)
to an interesting article, but not directly helpful for my question (initially too vague).