I'm trying to connect MySQL database and getting out datas
I need it to get only (Data) in order by ID(daily)
and separate both datas and calling them by two different variables
the database looks something like this:
| ID | Data | Data2
| 1 | tea | hot
| 2 | milk | hot
| 3 | pepsi | cold
and output will be only one line (one data)
I don't make it as above :) it's just for clarifying....and what's best collation and type for huge data in UTF-8 ?
Can you make it return 5 rows instead of 1? by ID? for e.g. for first day (1-2-3-4-5)ID's and for second day (6-7-8-9-10) and so on?
| id | data | data2
| 1 | first quote | translated quote
| 2 | second... | bla bla
And then you select it like:
$getquote = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id=(DATEDIFF(CURDATE()+1, '$firstday'))");
$quote = mysql_fetch_object($getquote);
echo $quote->data . $quote->data2;
EDIT!!: I have eliminated datediff, so the ID returned from date difference is DIRECTLY in WHERE.
What this does is calculate difference between first day and current date. So each day that datediff will be 1 bigger.
DATEDIFF(CURDATE()+1, '$firstday') as datediff
can be interpreted as
datediff = differenceBetween(Currentday +1 and firstDay)
- Yesterday was 2011-07-06, therefore
datediff = 2011-07-07 (there is +1!) - 2011-07-06
which is 1
- today, it's
2011-07-08 - 2011-07-06
which is 2
- tomorrow
2011-07-09 - 2011-07-06
which is 3
- day after tomorrow
2011-07-10 - 2011-07-06
which is 4
- in one month it will be
2011-08-08 - 2011-07-06
which is 33
so, datediff is each day bigger by 1
|id| data
|1| quote day 1 (because date difference from start == 1)
|2| quote 2 day 2 (datediff == 2)
|3| quote 3 day 3 (datediff == 3)
|4| quote 4 day 4
Or shortly: Each day will be a different quote, starting with ID 1 forward.
I can't explain more then this..
EDIT #2: 5 quotes a day
$offset = date_diff(new DateTime('now'), new DateTime('2011-08-29'))->format('%d');
$getquote = "SELECT * FROM quotes LIMIT {$offset},5";
second edit thanks to ajreal (SQL LIMIT syntax error)
EDIT #3: 5 quotes a day, changeable by variable..
option 1:
$choose=0; //statically defined, only first of that day will pop out
option 2:
$choose = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["qid"]); //which one will be defined in url.. (watch out, people can figure it out and browse through all quotes
option 3:
$choose = rand(0,4); //will choose it randomly from those 5 daily quotes
So pick one of those options you like, and add it before this:
$offset = 5*date_diff(new DateTime('now'), new DateTime('2011-08-29'))->format('%d') + $choose;
$getquote = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM quotes WHERE id = '$offset'");
$quote = mysql_fetch_object($getquote);
echo $quote->data . $quote->data2;
If you want to have a fixed quote through all the day just have the first client of the day do a RAND() on the table and choose a random quote.
Then mark that quote as the quote for the current day and serve it for all other users.