Is there a simple and fast way to group elements from an ArrayList in Java?
I'm asking if there is already a way without implementing it by my self? something like
Collections.sort(monuments,new objectComparator());
I have a list of Objects That have a field called category, this list is shown to the user. I want the objects of category_type==1 to be shown first and so on.
I can't achieve this with comparator, since the way the comparator works is like this:
return int a>0 if the first value is bigger
return int a
Actually this can be achieved with a comparator:
public int compareTo(Monument o) {
Integer otherCategory = o.getCategoryType();
Integer thisCategory = this.getCategoryType();
return thisCategory.compareTo(otherCategory);
The Comparator will return 0 if they are the same, -1 if thisCategory
is less than otherCategory
, and 1 if thisCategory
is greater than otherCategory
Here's a unit test based on this idea:
public class SortTest {
public void test() {
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
System.out.println("Unsorted: " + list);
System.out.println("Sorted: " + list);
Unsorted: [1, 2, 3, 4, 1]
Sorted: [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Try grouping using a Map<X, List<CustomObject>>
where X is the grouping (in your case an Integer representing the category_type)
public Map<Integer, List<CustomObject>> groupByCategoryType(List<CustomObject> list) {
Map<Integer, List<CustomObject>> map = new TreeMap<Integer, List<CustomObject>>();
for (CustomObject o : list) {
List<CustomObject> group = map.get(o.getCategoryType());
if (group == null) {
group = new ArrayList();
map.put(o.getCategoryType(), group);
return map;