I have this problem.
There is a spring session stored in redis,saved this way
HMSET spring:session:sessions:33fdd1b6-b496-4b33-9f7d-df96679d32fe creationTime 1404360000000 \
maxInactiveInterval 1800 \
lastAccessedTime 1404360000000 \
sessionAttr:attrName someAttrValue \
sessionAttr2:attrName someAttrValue2
As far as I understand is a hashed set.
I can access it via redis-cli with HMGET that as far as I understand is to get values of hashed keys.
Works great.
Now on spring, I want to access it via Redis Template (org.springframework.data.redis.core).
So, I did this
@Autowired RedisOperationsSessionRepository redisOperationsSessionRepository;
@Autowired RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
and tried...
redisTemplate.opsForHash().get("mykey", WHAT GOES HERE?)
redisOperationsSessionRepository.sessionRedisOperations.opsForHash().get(mykey", OR HERE?)
so far I cannot access it to the information, any idea what hash I have to define? there is no info how spring gets it ...
What I basically want to do is
COPY this
and save it in other redis using another template...
as you can see, it has not the value serialized in right way, could be a problem if I just copy and "paste" the objects using opsForHash or will I save corrupted data?