I have a form MyForm1 with a module having the method.
Public Sub CreateSQL(ProductID as variant)
Me.Recordsource = " SELECT * FROM ProductOrders " _
" WHERE ProductID = " & Nz(ProductID ,0)
End Sub
I use this as a subform to a form named MyMainForm.
When I change the value of a control on MyMainForm it successfully executes the following line:
Me.Subform1.Form.CreateSQL ProductID:=Me.cboProductID
My Questions:
Why are the members not listed on the intellisense list that appears after I type Me.Subform1.Form.
Is there a way of getting them to be listed?
Is there a property that will let me access the "Form_MyForm1" class of the form referenced in the subform control "Source object property" (ie the Me.Subform1.form ) ?
It's like I need to be able to write:
Me.Subform1.Form_MyForm1.CreateSQL ProductID:=Me.cboProductID
Does such a property already exist? If so how do I access it? Is it in the properties collection?
PS: If you need more information please see the same questions posted in a long Stack overflow question here
- Don't know.
- Not that I know of.
- Make the subfunction Public.
But it looks like you could save yourself a lot of trouble by using the Master/Child link option of a form and its subform control.
Instead to the mainform calling the method Me.Subform1.Form.CreateSQL
You should create an object variable in the subform that points to the main form and responds to events eg:
Dim WithEvents cvMyParentForm As Form
Property Set MyParentForm(MyParentForm As Form)
Set cvMyParentForm = MyParentForm
End Property
Property Get MyParentForm() As Form
Set MyParentForm = cvMyParentForm
End Property
When the main form opens use the Form_Open event to "initialise" the subforms
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Subform1.Form.MyParentForm Is Nothing Then
Set Me.Subform1.Form.MyParentForm = Me
End If
End Sub
then you can get the subform to respond to the FORM events that are raised by the mainform.
If you need to have the subform respond to any events that you declare in the main form you will need to chnaeg the above code to use the Form_MyMainFormname type
Dim WithEvents cvMyParentForm As Form_MyMainFormName
Property Set MyParentForm(MyParentForm As Form_MyMainFormName)
Set cvMyParentForm = MyParentForm
End Property
Property Get MyParentForm() As Form_MyMainFormName
Set MyParentForm = cvMyParentForm
End Property
Private Sub cvMyParentForm_Current()
'MsgBox "Sub form current event - does syncing"
Me.Form.Recordset.FindFirst "ID = " & Nz(cvMyParentForm.ID, 0)
If Me.Form.Recordset.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Humph"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cvMyParentForm_MyEvent()
MsgBox "A user define event 'MyEvent' was fired on the main form"
End Sub