Following this Answer, I have implemented a CanvasView to draw with the Apple Pencil:
import Foundation
import UIKit
class CanvasView: UIView {
var points: [CGPoint]?
var path: UIBezierPath?
var pathLayer: CAShapeLayer!
override func layoutSubviews() {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
pathLayer = CAShapeLayer()
pathLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
pathLayer.strokeColor =
pathLayer.lineWidth = 3
if let touch = touches.first {
points = [touch.location(in: self)]
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
if let coalescedTouches = event?.coalescedTouches(for: touch) {
points? += { $0.location(in: self) }
} else {
points?.append(touch.location(in: self))
if let predictedTouches = event?.predictedTouches(for: touch) {
let predictedPoints = { $0.location(in: self) }
pathLayer.path = UIBezierPath(catmullRomInterpolatedPoints: points! + predictedPoints, closed: false, alpha: 0.5)?.cgPath
} else {
pathLayer.path = UIBezierPath(catmullRomInterpolatedPoints: points!, closed: false, alpha: 0.5)?.cgPath
} else {
points?.append(touch.location(in: self))
pathLayer.path = UIBezierPath(catmullRomInterpolatedPoints: points!, closed: false, alpha: 0.5)?.cgPath
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
pathLayer.path = UIBezierPath(catmullRomInterpolatedPoints: points!, closed: false, alpha: 0.5)?.cgPath
extension UIBezierPath {
/// Simple smoothing algorithm
/// This iterates through the points in the array, drawing cubic bezier
/// from the first to the fourth points, using the second and third as
/// control points.
/// This takes every third point and moves it so that it is exactly inbetween
/// the points before and after it, which ensures that there is no discontinuity
/// in the first derivative as you join these cubic beziers together.
/// Note, if, at the end, there are not enough points for a cubic bezier, it
/// will perform a quadratic bezier, or if not enough points for that, a line.
/// - parameter points: The array of `CGPoint`.
convenience init?(simpleSmooth points: [CGPoint]) {
guard points.count > 1 else { return nil }
move(to: points[0])
var index = 0
while index < (points.count - 1) {
switch (points.count - index) {
case 2:
index += 1
addLine(to: points[index])
case 3:
index += 2
addQuadCurve(to: points[index], controlPoint: points[index-1])
case 4:
index += 3
addCurve(to: points[index], controlPoint1: points[index-2], controlPoint2: points[index-1])
index += 3
let point = CGPoint(x: (points[index-1].x + points[index+1].x) / 2,
y: (points[index-1].y + points[index+1].y) / 2)
addCurve(to: point, controlPoint1: points[index-2], controlPoint2: points[index-1])
/// Create smooth UIBezierPath using Hermite Spline
/// This requires at least two points.
/// Adapted from
/// See
/// - parameter hermiteInterpolatedPoints: The array of CGPoint values.
/// - parameter closed: Whether the path should be closed or not
/// - returns: An initialized `UIBezierPath`, or `nil` if an object could not be created for some reason (e.g. not enough points).
convenience init?(hermiteInterpolatedPoints points: [CGPoint], closed: Bool) {
guard points.count > 1 else { return nil }
let numberOfCurves = closed ? points.count : points.count - 1
var previousPoint: CGPoint? = closed ? points.last : nil
var currentPoint: CGPoint = points[0]
var nextPoint: CGPoint? = points[1]
move(to: currentPoint)
for index in 0 ..< numberOfCurves {
let endPt = nextPoint!
var mx: CGFloat
var my: CGFloat
if previousPoint != nil {
mx = (nextPoint!.x - currentPoint.x) * 0.5 + (currentPoint.x - previousPoint!.x)*0.5
my = (nextPoint!.y - currentPoint.y) * 0.5 + (currentPoint.y - previousPoint!.y)*0.5
} else {
mx = (nextPoint!.x - currentPoint.x) * 0.5
my = (nextPoint!.y - currentPoint.y) * 0.5
let ctrlPt1 = CGPoint(x: currentPoint.x + mx / 3.0, y: currentPoint.y + my / 3.0)
previousPoint = currentPoint
currentPoint = nextPoint!
let nextIndex = index + 2
if closed {
nextPoint = points[nextIndex % points.count]
} else {
nextPoint = nextIndex < points.count ? points[nextIndex % points.count] : nil
if nextPoint != nil {
mx = (nextPoint!.x - currentPoint.x) * 0.5 + (currentPoint.x - previousPoint!.x) * 0.5
my = (nextPoint!.y - currentPoint.y) * 0.5 + (currentPoint.y - previousPoint!.y) * 0.5
else {
mx = (currentPoint.x - previousPoint!.x) * 0.5
my = (currentPoint.y - previousPoint!.y) * 0.5
let ctrlPt2 = CGPoint(x: currentPoint.x - mx / 3.0, y: currentPoint.y - my / 3.0)
addCurve(to: endPt, controlPoint1: ctrlPt1, controlPoint2: ctrlPt2)
if closed { close() }
/// Create smooth UIBezierPath using Catmull-Rom Splines
/// This requires at least four points.
/// Adapted from
/// See
/// - parameter catmullRomInterpolatedPoints: The array of CGPoint values.
/// - parameter closed: Whether the path should be closed or not
/// - parameter alpha: The alpha factor to be applied to Catmull-Rom spline.
/// - returns: An initialized `UIBezierPath`, or `nil` if an object could not be created for some reason (e.g. not enough points).
convenience init?(catmullRomInterpolatedPoints points: [CGPoint], closed: Bool, alpha: Float) {
guard points.count > 3 else { return nil }
assert(alpha >= 0 && alpha <= 1.0, "Alpha must be between 0 and 1")
let endIndex = closed ? points.count : points.count - 2
let startIndex = closed ? 0 : 1
let kEPSILON: Float = 1.0e-5
move(to: points[startIndex])
for index in startIndex ..< endIndex {
let nextIndex = (index + 1) % points.count
let nextNextIndex = (nextIndex + 1) % points.count
let previousIndex = index < 1 ? points.count - 1 : index - 1
let point0 = points[previousIndex]
let point1 = points[index]
let point2 = points[nextIndex]
let point3 = points[nextNextIndex]
let d1 = hypot(Float(point1.x - point0.x), Float(point1.y - point0.y))
let d2 = hypot(Float(point2.x - point1.x), Float(point2.y - point1.y))
let d3 = hypot(Float(point3.x - point2.x), Float(point3.y - point2.y))
let d1a2 = powf(d1, alpha * 2)
let d1a = powf(d1, alpha)
let d2a2 = powf(d2, alpha * 2)
let d2a = powf(d2, alpha)
let d3a2 = powf(d3, alpha * 2)
let d3a = powf(d3, alpha)
var controlPoint1: CGPoint, controlPoint2: CGPoint
if fabs(d1) < kEPSILON {
controlPoint1 = point2
} else {
controlPoint1 = (point2 * d1a2 - point0 * d2a2 + point1 * (2 * d1a2 + 3 * d1a * d2a + d2a2)) / (3 * d1a * (d1a + d2a))
if fabs(d3) < kEPSILON {
controlPoint2 = point2
} else {
controlPoint2 = (point1 * d3a2 - point3 * d2a2 + point2 * (2 * d3a2 + 3 * d3a * d2a + d2a2)) / (3 * d3a * (d3a + d2a))
addCurve(to: point2, controlPoint1: controlPoint1, controlPoint2: controlPoint2)
if closed { close() }
// Some functions to make the Catmull-Rom splice code a little more readable.
// These multiply/divide a `CGPoint` by a scalar and add/subtract one `CGPoint`
// from another.
private func * (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: Float) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x * CGFloat(rhs), y: lhs.y * CGFloat(rhs))
private func / (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: Float) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x / CGFloat(rhs), y: lhs.y / CGFloat(rhs))
private func + (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
private func - (lhs: CGPoint, rhs: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: lhs.x - rhs.x, y: lhs.y - rhs.y)
Unfortunately, it is not that smooth because some points are out of the line which you can see here:
I've tried to turn off the predicted touches, but it doesn't help much. What else can I do to optimize this?