Using multiple JSON lists in iOS Content Blocker

2019-06-06 06:39发布


I am trying to create my own content blocker on iOS. I was wanting to create separate json lists for different types of content (tracking, ads, adult sites, etc). I came across this which stated you could create an array of "attachments" instead of relying on the singular "blockerList" json file.

func beginRequest(with context: NSExtensionContext) {
    var jsonFiles:Array<NSItemProvider> = Array()

    let attachment = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "blockerList", withExtension: "json"))!

    let attachment2 = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "testList", withExtension: "json"))!

    let item = NSExtensionItem()
    item.attachments = jsonFiles

    context.completeRequest(returningItems: [item], completionHandler: nil)

Most of this code is the default from the Content Blocker Extension setup, but what I have added is the jsonFiles array which attachment and attachment2 are placed in. When this is run, only one of the two rule sets is loaded, never a combination of the two. Any ideas on why only one ruleset is loaded?


You can combine two JSON rule files in to one file and use that file.

    import UIKit
        import MobileCoreServices
        class ContentBlockerRequestHandler: NSObject, NSExtensionRequestHandling {

        func beginRequest(with context: NSExtensionContext) {

        let sharedContainerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "you app group identifier")

                let sourceURLRules = sharedContainerURL?.appendingPathComponent("Rules1.json")
                let sourceURLRules2 = sharedContainerURL?.appendingPathComponent("Rules2.json")
                do {
                    let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()

                    let dataFormRules1 = try Data(contentsOf: sourceURLRules1!, options: .mappedIfSafe)// Rule is Decode able Swift class            
                   let  rulesArray1 = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Array<Rule>.self,from: dataFormRules1)

                    let dataFormRules2 = try Data(contentsOf: sourceURLRules2!, options: .mappedIfSafe)
                    let  rulesArray2 = try? jsonDecoder.decode(Array<Rule>.self,from: dataFormRules2)

                    saveCombinedRuleFile(ruleList: rulesArray1! + rulesArray2!)

                } catch {
                    //handle error condition

                let sourceURLCombinedRule = sharedContainerURL?.appendingPathComponent("CombinedRule.json")
                let combinedRuleAttachment = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: sourceURLCombinedRule)
                let item = NSExtensionItem()
                item.attachments = [combinedRuleAttachment]
                context.completeRequest(returningItems: [item], completionHandler: nil)

            func saveCombinedRuleFile(ruleList:[Rule]) {
                let encoder = JSONEncoder()
                if let encoded = try? encoder.encode(ruleList) {
                    let sharedContainerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")
                    if let json = String(data: encoded, encoding: .utf8) {
                    if let destinationURL = sharedContainerURL?.appendingPathComponent("CombinedRule.json") {
                        do {
                            try  encoded.write(to: destinationURL)
                        } catch {
                            print ("catchtry")