I'm developing my first react native app. I've an issue with the nested navigations in the app.
I've the following navigations:
- Main App Navigator : createStackNavigator
- Authentication Navigator : createStackNavigator
- Bottom Bar Navigator : createBottomTabNavigator
- Top Tab Navigator : createMaterialTopTabNavigator
- My too nested Navigator : createStackNavigator
What i want ?
- I'm trying to hide the BottomBar & TopTab Navigators headers form a screen in the last nested navigator.
What I did?
- Ive tried to set the header as null in my nested nav, but thats hides the nested header not the parents headers.
- I also tried to set the parents headers as nulls, but thats hide them from all screen.
I need to only hide them in this nested screen. Can I change the parents headers property from my nested React Class?
Unfortunately, I didn't figure how to do that without using redux.
So I had to do a workaround.
I declared my Nested Navigator directly in the Main Navigator. "in the same level as Authentication & Bottom Bar Navigations" and set the header as null for this specific nav.
And then, navigate to that nested whenever i want.
Also, I had to add my custom icon to navigate the user back. because in our case there is no history in the new navigator in order to navigate back to.
so, i did like this:
static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({
headerLeft: (
onPress={() => {
const backAction = NavigationActions.back();
I know this is not the real answer for my question, but at least it solved my issue.