I have what I thought would be a perfect introduction test case for Azure functions.
We have a SQL store in Azure (SQL database).
Using C#, VS 2017, updated Azure workflow items.
We also have a Blob storage. Each night I need a process to go to the SQL database, collect a group of records based on a criteria and then process them generating a file that will be stored in the blob storage.
I cannot seem to get over the hump of getting either of these tasks done. All of the tutorials seem to be of the most basic type.
I have a function created in VS 2017, but first step is just to connect to the SQL database.
I went to add new item: ADO.NET Entity Data Model, and it acted like it created the model correct but there is not a data context for it?
So, I decided to try the next step -- creating the blob and just use sample data hard coded. Again...cannot find a good guide on how to do that.
I have a "AzureWebJobsStorage" setting in the local.setting.json file.
I have a timer function below:
public static class Function1
public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */5 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");
Just some pointing in the right direction and I will keep banging away at it...